Or is Something Holding You Back?
What happens if I fail?

I can't compete with all the other talent out there.
I'll start tomorrow.

It has to be perfect.

There is too much to do. I don't know where to begin.

•You may believe that conquering the challenges of the digital world is an insurmountable task or that failure is your worst enemy.
• Maybe you've been in a creative slump or doubt your artistic ability and effectiveness.

It' exhausting and disheartening isn't it?
It Doesn't Have to Be This Way...

You Can Be Creatively Fulfilled Make an Impact
Making a difference in the lives of others
Confidently sharing your story
Connecting with your audience
Being part of a supportive,creative community that "gets" you
Successfully launching your next book, song, or creative work
Building a solid foundation for your creative business
Having a step by step strategy to get your
work into the world
Dissolving and repurposing creative blocks
Harnessing your unique creatvie energy
Speaking your message without fear
and making an impact

Your Guide on
The Uncaged Journey...
Hi, I'm Mandy Brooks. I know the regret of ignoring a dream that was calling to be realized. I know the self-doubt that kept my voice small and my stories tucked away. I know the overwhelm that has prevented me from taking the next step toward my creative goals.
But I also know the expansiveness and strength of listening to my voice and honoring my dream. I know the realizations and restoration that came from telling and reconciling my life stories.
This journey of uncaging is where I found healing and, in the process, helped others. Your voice, dreams, and stories are not meant to be locked away but are meant to be nurtured and set free.
"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms." 1 Peter 4-10.

Uncage Your Story•Uncage Your Voice•Uncage Your Dream